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Tale Four of Thirteen, Published on 12/30 for December's BLACK MOON "MERIDIAN HOUSE PART ONE"

Nothing Like a Bet!

Kelley Branscombe has lost her babysitting job (a forth-coming story) and just wants to hang-out in quiet and sip some coffee.  But upon entering the Meridian Coffee House, she is finds herself under psychic attack by a malevolent spirit known as the Watcher.

Everything Begins To Shakes Loose!

When her fraternal twin, Mercury, shows up, there is jealousy and rivarly from the Norman sisters.  Never one to back down, Mercury suggests a dare: who can discover the secret of the Watcher.  

This tale comes from first hand and second hand experience of a similar, though, fictional coffee house.  The characters are fictional, but the happenings are close to home.