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Promotion--I got a promotion, a book promotion

Jeffrey Cummins

I published Leftwich Blues/Elfwitch Blues as an ebook on August 13, 2021.  It was then published as a print on demand on December 31, 2021.  Most copies bought were given out as gifts to potential readers.  No one has written a new review yet.  No one has expressed dissatisfaction or suggested that I never publish another book.  The question is the same as when I recorded original music.  How will people know about it and how will people get to read it and who will buy it?  PROMOTION.  Promotion takes money.  You need reviews for a press release.  You need a press release.  You need people to read the reviews.  You need a reading group or book site to talk about the book.  You need librarians to pick it up.  You need buyers to stock it in stores.  It's a domino effect.  Probably a book trailer wouldn't hurt.  And some well attended book signings that could be some kind of event rather than an author showing up and reading a chapter.  Last, but not least, people like to listen to stories so having an audio file and some audio readings out on some platforms would also help people connect with the book.