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Thoughts on Webinar and Self-Interview

Image Supporting the Content of Thoughts on Webinar and Self-Interview

Jeffrey Cummins

Dear Readers,

I took part in a very good webinar over the Author Home-Page feature being offered through Bowker and maintained by Brad Kane.  Brad was professional, astute, personable, and coughing (he was fighting a cold).  The one hour and forty minute webinar went over the page layout and the menu and what information and data would be needed for a browsing customer to want to not only buy a book or product but follow your page.

Here's a quick summary:
"A great website must have great content."

For the whole process of writing, publishing, and marketing/self-promotion:

"First, you must write the book.  Next, you need a great cover.  Then get your necessary data and links."

Brad emphasized the need for a great cover by putting it first in your budget with the simple explanation that the cover will be seen everywhere.

*(Now, those of us who have lived long enough to see some of our favorite books repackaged in new editions with brand new covers will notice a trend in covers: what is depicted, what colors are presented, and what font type is used changes according to whim and taste. Those three elements are also noticeable different by whatever genre you're looking at.)

There were about twenty people on the webinar.  Most had live feed profiles (like me), some had a frozen profile pic, a few had no pics or video feed.  I can only assume most were authors.  A few people identified themselves as publishers who wanted to work with authors.  By my observation, most were men and past fifty.

Brad noticed we were a quiet group and thanked us for being respectful.  Then he opened the last forty minutes to questions on using the web page and looks for possible designs.  That was also very informative as you can always learn when someone asks a professional a question.  

SELF-INTERVIEW (33 questions for a self-interview supplied by https://www.dragosroua.com/33-questions-for-an-interview-with-yourself/)

1. What Do You Do For A Living?

A: Presently, I teach English for three grades at a small rural high school in the Ozarks.  Before that, I worked at a thrift/re-sale store that was connected with a women's ministry.  Before that, I was a mental health para-professional.  Before that I taught at an Alternative Learning Environment School and at two high needs-high risks high schools in high poverty towns.  Before that, I worked at Wal-Mart while I took my teaching tests and entered the non-traditional program.  Before that, I lived in another state and worked ten years at Bank of America doing back office support and credit analysis.  Before that I worked at Shoe Carnival and Sbarro's Italian Eatery while attending college. 

2. Who Do You Love?
A: The order I give you now used to be reversed.  I'm feeling I'm beginning to learn how to get it right.

A. My Lord, My Savior, and My God B. My wife C. All My family D. My dogs E. My students F. My church G. My community beyond H. my self I. my creative projects J. Star Wars 1977 K. Walt Disney World L. Rock bands like Rush and Blue Oyster Cult

3. Do You Have Enough Money?

A: I have learned that there is never enough money for what I want because I only want more; but, what I learned is, there is always enough money for what I need when I need.  I am never in need for too long.  Whereas, I'm always in want.

4. Are You Healthy?

A: As I get older, I am having more aches and pains.  But I tend to act my shoe-size and not my age.  So, it balances out.

5. Do You Think You Are A Good Person?

A: I am not.  Nothing I could ever do could ever be good enough for two people: God and everyone else.  It is only through the blood of Jesus that I can claim any righteousness whereas everyone else likes to dog me (judge me) based on their definition of SELF-righteousness.

6. How Old Are You?

A: As I write this as of 05/24/22 8:30 am, I am fifty-two years old. 

7. Who’s Your Best Friend?

A: It's sorta like the "Who do you love?" list.  I've had to learn the hard way, who are my true friends and who will never betray me.  A. My Lord, My Savior, and My God B. My wife C. My family D. My church E. My dogs (Dogs usually work their way higher up this list and humans tend to drop lower, ain't that just the way?)

8. What’s Your Childhood Dream?

A: I am either living it or tried to live it: To be a famous published writer or to be in a famous rock and roll band and write famous songs or just be a teacher who makes class fun. 

9. How Often Do You Laugh?

A: At least a couple times most day.  

10. What Makes You Smile?

A: When I feel God moving around me and in people's lives.  A spirit-infused praise song.  When my wife smiles.  When my dogs wag their tails. When  my students laugh or smile.  Thinking about Star Wars 1977 or listening to Rush or BOC.  

11. Who’s Your Most Dangerous Enemy?

A: The devil (this is a title that means "accuser"), my own flesh/pride/ego that likes to foul things up, my anger/condemnation, false friends who don't like certain qualities about me or don't like when I won't play the role they want to cast me in.

12. Where Do You Live?

A: I live in a designed recreational community. It covers about twenty square miles.  Has a spring and a spring fed river, several lakes, two recreational centers with pools, and two golf courses. I live on one of the golf courses.  It is in the Ozarks.  It is quiet and beautiful.  I can see the stars every night.  

13. Do You Think You’re Strong?

Not very.  Not strong enough to escape death by my own means.  I've never met anyone who can beat death.  Except for one person.  To be able to beat death you would have to be the strongest person ever.  Stronger than even Heracles.  That person would be Jesus Christ who still lives today.  Of course, I forget there were a few others: Enoch and Elijah--they escaped death.  Lazarus and many others who were resurrected ended dying a second time.  At least, Lazarus still had his tomb reserved and ready to go.

14. What Was The Most Important Thing You’ve Done So Far?

A: Give God the glory that he's let me live this long.  As long as I wake up, I continue to exist in this life.  Materially, that is made possible by there being air to breathe.  That the sun still comes up helps make that chemical process occur.  So, most of the important things have not changed and are still working right everyday.  So, since I am able to breathe, I am able to think.  Since I am here, I have a purpose.  The most important thing I can do is remember this and live one day at a time, breath by breath, moment to moment.

15. What Was The Most Stupid Thing You’ve Done So Far?

A: On any given day, not trust in the Lord with my problems.  Sometimes I speak without thinking.  Sometimes I get angry.  Sometimes I make mistakes.  Most of them are grammatical.  Which everyone seems to notice and point out.  People love to point others' mistakes.  Some are not as forgiving. 

16. Do You Love Yourself?

A: Sometimes with empty vanity and selfish ego pride which can be deadly.  Sentimental love comes and go at a whim.  Do I respect myself?  Sometimes.  Better find out what makes a healthy "love."

17. What Do You Fear The Most? 

A: Doubting God's word about death, heaven, and hell.  Of life being over and having no meaning.  But all fears are based on lies.  That's the power of the enemy.  To put it another way, when David Bowie was asked if he believed in God, he answered, "Well, all the other cliches are true."  

Fear is a cliche, true.  But is a lie.  It only has power over you if you believe it.  

God or death? What do I believe in more?  

After that, it's demons and vengeful ghosts.  And third is spiders.

18. What Is Your Favorite Word?

A: FORGIVENESS.  There is nothing like it.  Nothing can beat it.  Nothing can touch it.  It is synonymous with me to Jesus.

19. When Was The Last Time You Cried?

A: Choked back a few tears on Wednesday May 18th which was the first day of Summer Vacation after I had watched Star Wars IV: A New Hope.  A bit of nostalgia?  An eternal moment of celluloid wonder?  A feeling for lost innocence?  A feeling for recapturing that innocence that goodness and loyalty and sacrifice beats the Darkside every time?  All of the above.  Therefore, the tears.

20. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?

A: That everyone accept the Will of God and that only He can change a heart.  That everyone look to God to make good on the Herald Angel's declaration, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:14

21. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?

A: That I reject my belief that God is real and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  Rejecting my wife, my dreams, the plan He has for me, hurting others, throwing away my life, taking others' life.   Basically, switching roads from the Narrow Path of Eternal Life to the Broad Way to Destruction. Switching sides from the Right to the Left, going from a sheep to a Goat, turning from the Prince of Peace to the Prince of the Air.

22. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now

A: If God grants me five more years or Jesus does not tarry, whatever he has in store for me will come about.  Hopefully, I will continue to give over my plans and dreams and let him take the glory for my teaching, writing, music, and ministries.  Hopefully, I will have more grandchildren.  Hopefully, I will see more people trust in God to change their hearts.  Hopefully, I will continue to get out and stay of debt.  Hopefully, I will proper in the blessings and plans that God has planned for me.

23. Do You Regret Anything? 

A: Two broken marriages.  Many broken friendships.  Losing my temper with bad bosses.  Not trusting God with problems sooner than I did.  I would have saved myself from a lot of pain and misery.  But I may not have grown like I did after I finally surrendered and submitted those hurts and problems.  As it is said in Celebrate Recovery, "God never wastes a hurt."

24. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning?

A: Usually, let the dogs out.  Or turn off my alarm.  Use the bathroom.  Then get down on my knees and pray the "Lord's Prayer" and the "Serenity Prayer" in full.  Then starting getting coffee and breakfast for me and my wife.  Then read a chapter of part of the chapter of the bible.  Then brush my teeth.  Take a shower and get ready for the day.

25. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed?

A: If I'm at peace and it's been a good day, I think on what I have to do tomorrow, remember to set my alarm, then either look up useless trivia and history about topics from shows I was just streaming and try to read a few pages of a book. If it's been a very bad day, I will be consumed over the problem that I can no longer control instead of giving it God.  It takes a while to let go of the harder problems?  But if I don't, it will rob my sleep and rest. 

26. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To?

A: Physically, 36,000 feet on a plane above a storm. It was something to see, huge mountains of dark clouds passing bolts of lightning back and forth and to see that the sun was shining above it all.

Spiritually: when I get the "quickening."  My flesh gets goosed when the Spirit is stirred and moves throughout  the music worship service. 

27. If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change Right Now, What Is It?

A: For my wife's health to get better and stay better.  And then to be healed of my reflux.  After that, for the whole world to buy a Coke and sing in perfect harmony.  And just what would the world sing, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."  And for every knee to bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. 

28. What Are You Proud Of?

A: That God loves me and didn't give up on me.  That He sent his Son to die in my place.  And that He has reached out to me when I was around three to show he was real.  That He has a plan for my whole life and even through the hard times and my stupid mistakes, He has shown his mercy.  I can only boast in Him.  Only He is good.  I'm not good and neither is any body else by anyone else's standards.  

29. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence

A: Every day everything is a test; so when you have a problem, who will i go to, where will i turn; if I fall down seven times, I need to get an eighth time; I am here for a purpose and only exist by the grace of God.

30. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most

The devil and  his toys: darkness, lies, fear, doubt, and death.  That's all he has to offer.  Not much is it?  What annoys is that most of us get caught in his trap and don't have enough sympathy or forgiveness for each other.  It's annoying that so many things go wrong and don't get solved quick enough for anyone's liking.  Guess what?  It's not my time nor by my way.  That, too, is annoying.

31. What Is Your No 1 Question To God?

A: How DO you get a camel through an eye of a needle?

32. Do You Have Secrets?

A: Yes, hurts, habits, and hang-ups.  Fears and doubts (even more than I've listed).  Regrets and vengeful thoughts that I cannot list here.  Things that hide in the darkness like grubs and demand satisfaction but don't think they can be healed or accepted.

But guess what, ALL things will be brought out into the LIGHT and will be known one day and I will have to give an account for them.  So, I am learning to surrender them over now. Unchain them, call them out of the basement, and stop feeding them. 

33. What Makes You Laugh?

Stupid jokes. Irony.  People's mistakes.  Pratfalls.  People getting proved wrong and having to eat their own words.  My dogs getting into stuff and making play out of anything.  Making up silly songs about life.  The laughter of children.  Their wondrous big eyes.  


MOTTO “A book needs readers: a book needs friends.”

“A book needs readers: a book needs friends.”